
Jul 30, 2013

Back to School Read Alouds: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse

Linking up with Tracey at The Teacher's Chair again today!

The Teacher's Chair
Plus, I'm linking up with First Grade and Fabulous for her Picture Book Linky Party!

Goodness gracious, I need to get myself into Back-To-School mode! I am sitting here trying to remember which read alouds I do the first week of school and I'm having trouble remembering!! What the heck? I think if I were in my classroom, I'd be in a different frame of mind and I'd be able to rattle them off. Anyone else like that? I'm better at coming up with ideas, lesson plans, etc. when I'm actually physically doing it in my classroom. Then I'm in the "teacher" frame of mind!

With that said, I do know that one of my favorites is Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse

I had the most fun with this book just this past school year because when I read it to my students I knew that I was going to name my daughter Lilly, but it was a secret. (I didn't choose the name because of this book! haha) I just found myself to be daydreaming about different things when I was doing my read aloud (much different than previous years!) because of course I was thinking about little Lilly that I was about 6 months pregnant for and wondering if she would have a similar personality to this Lilly! Ha! The kids love the story. They have heard it before by the time they get to 2nd grade, but they still enjoy it!

Plus, this past year, I had found this packet on Pinterest and used some of the activities!! Here is the link to Learning with Susie Q's blog post about Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse. She has a freebie there that goes right along with this story! It has some fun activities that can be done that first week back to school!
Here is link to the free packet at her TPT store: All About Lilly

While searching for that packet that I used last year, I found other cute stuff!! Now I'm excited to use it all myself this year! This freebie looks super cute too!


Check out this blog post by First Grade Wow! Another 20 page freebie to go along with Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse! :)


How cute is this Character Map anchor chart???? Check out First Grader at Last and her blog post about using the story in her classroom. So fun!
I would love to find the time to make some fun packets to go along with some of my students' favorite stories! Do you have any good packets or activities to go with your favorite read alouds? Please share!!!

"Today was difficult, tomorrow will be better." -Kevin Henkes


Jul 29, 2013

School Week Linky--Monday LESSON PLANNERS

The Teacher's Chair
Good morning friends! I'm linking up with Tracey at The Teacher's Chair for this linky this week (as long as I can come up with enough for each day!) Now I have to give a disclaimer, mine is no where near as cute and exciting as Tracey's! Now I see why she wanted to do this, to show off how CUTE she is!!! I'm going to go steal her ideas!!! Haha

Today is Lesson Planners. Now, I have to first admit that I'm nowhere near ready for school or even going into school to GET ready at this point. So I haven't got anything ready for my lesson planner this year. We won't have our schedules, etc. until right before the first day anyway. But I can share what I usually do for my lesson planner.
I don't have a book or binder anymore like I used to. I complete my plans on the computer in a template that I've created myself, then I hang them on my closet door (behind my desk) in sheet protectors. When I insert the new week's lesson plans, I do take the old ones down and put them in a binder to look back at later.

I really thought I had some pictures of my lesson plans hanging up because I had created this completely over-the-top sub binder for my maternity leave last year with pictures of EVERYTHING. However, it looks like I didn't have pics of it in there! Weird?!? But I did have this picture, this is my schedule that hangs right next to my lesson plans and it looks VERY similar. In fact, I really use this same template, and then I add in my actual "plans".  I used word to make this and I love having the template and just adding in what I need. I also like how the week is all across just one page. When I add in all of my plans, it ends up being about 3 pages up and down. I just have three sheet protectors hanging straight down on the door with those three pages in them. I love how I can look at the plans at a glance and remember what I need to be doing. Plus, if there is ever an emergency situation where someone has to take over my room, they can see it too and not have to search  my desk for plans.
Would my lesson plans work for you? Or do you need more detail? I know a lot of people like to have them hand-written where they can change things if they need to. I'll try to remember to update these a little once I have some plans for this year!!!

Jul 28, 2013

My Summer (In Photo Form!) Completely Non-School Related

Everyone seems to be in BACK TO SCHOOL mode, so I think I need to post something non-school related! :)

This summer, I got into a fun, crafty, Pinterest mood for a few weeks! These are some of the fun projects I worked on for the girls' bedrooms!! Pinterest inspired of course. Here are my Instagram pictures of my projects.

To do these wall hangings, I started with some old wall hangings that I already had and didn't use anymore with my décor. The rest is just scrapbook paper, mod podge, and stickers. Fun to make.

Also made these, after finding cheap wall hangings at my Salvation Army. Also used mailbox letters and spray paint. I'd really recommend the vinyl mailbox letters because they were easy to move around when I didn't put them on straight and they peeled right off. The LOVE one I used scrapbooking type stickers and they didn't peel off very easy at all. Left the white residue underneath.

 And the finished products:

Some other fun this summer---All in pictures! :)
 Lilly has become quite the little character! She's at the point that everything goes her mouth, she laughs at everything, she makes tons of loud noises that she thinks are words, her hair is growing a ton,  and she is just exploring her world! What a fun age for me to get to stay home with her for 2 months. Also, we love going to the zoo. We have a zoo pass and made good use of it this summer!!

Jul 27, 2013

Indiana Goes Back to School Blog Hop

Indiana teachers are getting ready to go back to school (and I might be jealous of my many friends to the north in Michigan that don't go back until after Labor Day!!) My district has teachers back the 15th of August and kids back the 19th. Of course we will all have to be there well before the 15th to actually be "ready."

So...this great group of Indiana teachers (19 of us last I knew!) has decided that we should do something to CELEBRATE and get excited about going back to school. We are ready to share our excitement with everyone else, whether you are going back now or after Labor Day. Or maybe you are already back!?!?!? Eek! :)

Please join us in our celebration by HOPPING through all of our blogs! Please be sure to become followers to each of us as you go through the hop so that you can be notified of other great things in the future! Most of us also have Facebook pages and Teachers Pay Teachers pages that you can follow too so that you are always IN THE KNOW!

Now for the goodies in this "Hoosier" Hop!

Thank you to Anita for sending you here to my blog:
Please download my freebie to get you ready for BACK TO SCHOOL! :) This is a great back to school math activity and will be nice to review some basic skills with your students. Simply print, laminate, cut out, then the kids with do some different matching activities with the math skills. 


I hope that you enjoy my FREEBIE!!!

I'd like to also tell you about another fun back to school item that I have ready and for sale in my store (ON SALE TOO!) It's my Back to School Literacy Centers MEGA PACK! There are 30 literacy centers included in this pack! Ideally, in my classroom, I'd use 6 centers per week, for 5 weeks. YES, this packet could easily last you for 5 weeks!
Each week includes: Phonics Sort, Vocabulary Word Match, Phonics Oops Game, Vocabulary Mixed Up Sentences Sort, plus a few others with various skills. What I love about these literacy center mega packs that I have created is that 4 of the 6 centers each time are the same, just different words are added, etc. That way, you don't have to spend a ton of time EVERY WEEK explaining and modeling how to do each center. There are really only 2 "new" centers each time, but even those, after a few weeks, they can probably figure out easily on their own! Also, you can keep some of the "old" centers out each week and use as review and for differentiated groups! The possibilities are endless! :)

Week 1:
Vocabulary Match Center
Phonics Word Sort Center (Short a, short i)
Short a, short i Oops Game
Vocabulary Mixed up Sentences Center
Statement/Question Sort Center
Alphabetical Order Center

Week 2:
Vocabulary Match Center
Phonics Word Sort Center (Short o, e, u)
Short Vowel Oops Game
Vocabulary Mixed up Sentences Center
Sentence Sort Center (Commands/Exclamations)
Sentence Correction Center

Week 3:
Vocabulary Match Center
Phonics Word Sort Center (Long & Short a)
Long/Short a Oops Game
Vocabulary Mixed up
Sentences Center
Subject Match Center
Fluency Phrase Center

Week 4:
Vocabulary Match Center
Phonics Word Sort Center (Short and Long i)
Short and Long i Oops Game
Vocabulary Mixed up Sentences Center
Subject/Predicate Sort Center
Comma Correction Center

Week 5:
Vocabulary Match Center
Phonics Word Sort Center (Short and Long o)
Short and Long o Oops Game
Vocabulary Mixed up Sentences Center
Subject Combination Center
Predicate Combination Center


I hope that you have a great time on our Indiana Goes Back to School Hop! Don't forget, at the end of the hop, there will be a Rafflecopter that you will WANT TO ENTER because the prize is a $75 gift card (of your choice!) Even if you didn't start this hop at the beginning, keep going because it should go right around in a circle until you hit all of the awesome blogs! 
To go to the next stop on the hop, visit Amy at The Resource(ful) Room:


Jul 26, 2013

Liebster Award!!

I was nominated for the Liebster Award.
Pauline at First Grade by the Sea nominated me.
What a surprise!!! Thanks so much Pauline!!!
My Blog Button


For you that may not know the Liebster Award is awarded to a blog with less than 200 followers. 

To accept the nomination there are conditions.
1. You have to link back to the blog that nominated you.
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator.
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them.

Before I answer Pauline's questions, let me tell you who my nominees are:


One Bright Classroom

Teaching Ever After




Here are my answers to Pauline's questions:

1.What is your favorite color of ink to use? Purple

2. What is your favorite read aloud? Hard question, I love read alouds. Can I get back to you all on this one? Maybe I'll do a read aloud blog post! :)

3. Shoes, Purses, or Accessories? Shoes

4. What is the one thing in your class you could not do without? Scotch Laminator

5. Early bird or Night Owl? Can I say neither? ;-)

6. What is your favorite Starbucks drink? Another tough one! Coconut Mocha or a Salted Caramel Mocha. I suppose it depends on the season.

7. What is your favorite grade to teach? 2nd Grade

8. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Anything with chocolate

9. What is your favorite time of year to teach? Christmas

10. What is the last book you read? I've been working on this series: Body Movers by Stephanie Bond (Just a fun, silly, light read) Haven't done any professional reading this summer. Oops! :)

11. What is your favorite color? Purple

11 Random Facts About Me
1. I am 5'11"

2. I was married on News Year Eve.

3. This will be my 9th (yikes!) year teaching 2nd grade.

4. I teach in an urban/very low income/high poverty area. (and love it)

5. I have lived in 3 states (Michigan, Florida, Indiana)

6. I love coffee.

7. I love pens, planners, and all teacher things.

8. I have a Dalmatian and miniature poodle.

9. I love to travel.

10. I hate grocery shopping.

11. I hate worms.

Your questions are...

1. What is your favorite subject to teach?

2. Do you have children of your own?

3. What is one thing in your class you could not do without?

4. How much schoolwork do you do at home on a nightly basis?

5. What time do you get to school in the morning?
6. How long do you stay afterschool on the average day?
7. Favorite kind of coffee?
8. What is your favorite time of year to teach?
9. What is your favorite field trip to take your students on?
10. What grade do you teach?



Jul 25, 2013


Just a quick post to say that I hit 1,000 Likes on Facebook this morning!!! So, as promised, three big sellers from my store on only $1 until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow! (Friday, 7/26/13) These are a great deal for only $1 each. Normally, they would equal $24 total! :) I'm just so thankful that I want to share them with you! Please "follow" my TPT store when you visit! Thanks so much!

My store: Stuckey in Second

This exciting offer has now expired. Thank you so much to all of you for helping me to celebrate 1000 followers! Please be sure to follow my TpT store and Facebook page because I can promise you that I have a lot of fun things running through my brain as I type this! I can't wait! :) All of you that purchased these $1 best sellers, I hope you enjoy them! They should work well in your classrooms and I hope that you'll find me again when you are ready for more!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!

Jul 24, 2013

Facebook Likes

Only 17 likes away from 1,000 on my Facebook page! I'm so excited that I decided I will mark THREE best sellers down to $1 each! (When I hit 1,000!)

Here is a sneak peak at what I'll mark down when I hit 1,000! 

Again I only need 17 more likes! I can't wait to mark these down!! 😀😀

Jul 23, 2013

Summer Checklist

Well at the beginning of the summer, I posted a list of what I wanted to accomplish.  Here is an update.

  • Trying to keep on this blog! Sort of...better than the past! Does that count?

  • Find new and fresh teaching ideas for my new school year (Common Core!?) Not much with Common Core yet..but I have found a ton on Pinterest, blogs, and I got some great freebies from the Facebook hop that I was part of this past weekend! :)

  • Attending an iPad conference in Chicago! Attended! Check! Learned a lot of things and discovered a lot of great ideas for the upcoming school year. I hope to soon work on a blog post that can review some of my favorite ideas!!!

  • Preparing for using our new reading series Reading Wonders in my classroom, which means I am creating a lot of new materials for Teachers Pay Teachers. Anyone else using Reading Wonders? I have not accomplished much when it comes to Reading Wonders. Ugh! I need to get on this!! I really need to be prepared for this new series!!!

  • Spending as much quality time as possibly with my beautiful baby girl!! CHECK! :)

  • Finishing up some other TPT materials that I have ideas for. I keep adding to my ideas in my TPT journal, they are never ending! :) Keep adding even MORE ideas...haven't finished too many of the ideas.

  • Finding time for the pool! :) Only once so far!!! Boooo!!!!!!!!!

  • Gaining some new followers of my blog and Facebook site (Stuckey in Second). The more followers, the more ideas I get for my own classroom and I can add to my excitement for the new year! Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I've gained a TON, and I mean TON, of followers on Facebook and some on Blog Lovin' too! The Facebook followers are due to the Facebook Hop that I was invited to be a part of. I was soooooooooooo thrilled!!! I'm finally learning the ropes here and I'm "meeting" some GREAT teachers!! This is one of my favorite things that I've accomplished this summer!!

Unfortunately I only have about 2 weeks left of summer before I need to be in full school mode! So sad! I have a lot to accomplish before then. But, on the positive side, now that I think about it, I have accomplished some other things that I hadn't included on my original list:

  • Visiting Milwaukee with the hubby (kids free!)
  • Visiting friends in Michigan (a few times)
  • Signed up for a 5K Color Me Rad! (whoa!)
  • Planned a trip to see Kenny Chesney & Eric Church (we are so excited!)
  • CRAFTS!!! I've been very crafty this summer!!! (I plan to write a post about my summer crafts, with pictures of course...totally non-school related!)
  • Lunch with quite a few people that I hadn't had time to catch up with in awhile!
  • BOUGHT a teacher toolbox (that was easy, now to decorate it..)

If you don't hear from me too much in the next few's because I'm enjoying myself!!! Happy Summer!

Jul 22, 2013

New Reading Series-Reading Wonders

As I mentioned in another post, my district has adopted a new reading series: Wonders. Anyone else??? I'd love to hear from you! We have had Treasures for the last 5 years and this is their new series. Seems to be very similar! (Which I'm happy about!)

I've started to work on resource packets to go along with the 2nd grade units. I create one packet per week that includes tons of stuff that I know will helpful for me in my classroom, and hopefully other teachers as well.  I have included 6 centers/workstations in each week's packet, spelling homework sheets, spelling lists, graphic organizers, phonics work, response to literature type questions....and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I know there is even more! :)

Here are the two that I've created so far. (I need to get busy on more so I'm ready for the year!!)

(Click on the cover photos to link to my TpT store!)
A quick preview of my work in these packets:

Again, anyone using Wonders this year? I'd love to hear from you! How do you like it? Any tips? Have you used any of the iPad components?

Update: After one year of use, I have written a blog post on my thoughts and how I did it all! (Well I didn't really do it ALL, but you'll see....) Click here for the blog post, ONE YEAR LATER


Jul 21, 2013

Hoppin' Hoppin' Hoppin' Facebook is Hoppin'!!!

First things first, have you checked out the 2nd Grade Facebook Hop yet!??!?! Hopefully, you are following me here because you found me on the hop. But, if you haven't completed the hop yet, do it!!! Seriously!!! Every one of the freebies that were left by the 23 teachers are great! PLUS, many of them have additional freebies on their page that you can get once you like their page. AND, you will now have some G-R-E-A-T 2nd grade teachers to follow! :) WIN-Win-win! The hop ends Sunday night at midnight!!!

Also, after completing the hop, go BACK to Tori's page and enter the raffle! Someone will win their choice of products from EACH of the 23 teachers' stores!!! Insane giveway!! Amazing!!!


I haven't created all of the things that I have on my list for the summer and my summer is almost over. Oh my! I have a long list of ideas in my teaching notebook that I want to create for myself, but of course to share with my wonderful teacher friends!!!

I have put together a few things so far this summer for our new reading series, Wonders. Anyone else using it? I'd love to hear. We used Treasures for the last 5 years and it looks to be very similar. I have put together another packet of literacy centers that I think would be great for the beginning of the year/back to school time! I call it a MEGA PACK because it includes 30 literacy centers! (160+ pages!) And....if you downloaded my freebie for the Facebook Hop this weekend, you got a sneak peak at what my MEGA PACK consists of. I had it listed for $10, but because I am so thrilled with how this hop is going, I've lowered the price to $8, for the weekend! :) Check it out!!!!!!!!!
Click on the picture to check it out.

If you've downloaded my freebie, you've already seen a good preview of my mega pack. Also, in my TpT store, you will see that you can download a quick preview of it there. Here are a few pictures of different things included in the packet:

Thank you again to all of my new followers on Blog Lovin' and on Facebook! Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!

Allison :)