A FREEBIE that I love. I had been creating this chart for quite a few years, but I finally put it into a digital format so others can use it too! Check it out! Essential for the beginning of the school year, so your students can get to know the difference between fiction and non-fiction right away.
Another FREEBIE! I use these in workstations and to start small groups to get kids warmed up! This is a small FREE set, but I also have full sets of all 6 Fry's Phrase levels available in my store (later in this post!)
These are my VERY POPULAR fluency phrase games. I have multiple sets of these. All of them have the same Fry's phrases, but in different format/clip art. My students like to see things changed up, even if it is just different clipart. This first one is a Super Reader (Superhero Alligator) themed set. I also have a "Back to School" themed set with school supplies as the clipart. There are 6 games that can be played as a workstation/center or in a small group. My favorite way to do this is to teach them in the small group and play on and off for a few weeks, then later put it out in an independent center/workstation for them to play on their own. I'm sure they might even have fun playing these games for indoor recess and would they even know they are practicing reading? Maybe, maybe not. :)
This a Back-to-School set that I JUST finished putting together! It's geared more toward third graders, but if you feel like some of your 2nd graders need a challenge, check it out! I actually created a unit of centers to go along w/ the first unit of 3rd grade Treasures. These centers are the ones that I pulled out of that unit that I felt ANYONE could use! (Not just limited to the Treasures teachers!) I just HAD to do this because some of the centers turned out SOOOO cute that I didn't want to only limit it to the Treasures teachers! One of my favorite sets! There are SIXTEEN centers included here. You just print, laminate, cut out some pieces and GO! Hopefully they will last you a few years if your students are nice to them! :)
This is my 2nd grade Back to School Mega Pack set. Similarly, I pulled these out of the 2nd grade Treasures sets. I didn't want those centers to just be limited to the Treasures teachers. So these centers can be used by anyone at the beginning of the year. Print, Laminate, Cut, Go! :) 30 centers are included! Huge set!
This is another of my BRAND new products and I just used it in my classroom this past week! If you have the book Wemberly Worried, this is a MUST HAVE companion pack. There are graphic organizers, activities, and printable hands-on centers included in this pack!
Similar to Wemberly Worried, here is a pack to go with an all-time favorite, Chrysanthemum! We did this last week too, the kids loved it and stayed very engaged!
I also have a companion pack for First Day Jitters. Graphic organizes and hands-on centers included! Check it out by clicking on the picture below!
I love using these math problem solving tasks for my 2nd graders. I have a set for every month of the school year. We do one each day to get warmed up and ready at the beginning of our math block. These could also be used for morning work or homework! I have created them three to a page so they are more printer friendly! If you like them, I have the whole year bundled in my store! Also, if you use Envisions Common Core, you will really like these because I pretty much followed the skills being taught in that series each month when I made these.
My mClass print and go packets are very popular! MCLASS is an assessment that we use here in the state of Indiana (and I'm sure others use it too!) But, these sheets can be used by anyone and I know a lot of people have commented that they have no idea what MCLASS is, but they love these! Ha! It's true, they are good practice for morning work, homework, and extra seat work. You can print them and copy them for your kids or you can put them in a sheet protector with a dry erase marker and have them used in a center. These are also available as a full year set if you fall in love with the September set! :)
Here is another set of fluency phrases, but this time it's in a roll and read format, not the cards like the previous ones. I print these, put them in sheet protectors, then into a three-ring binder. I pull out a sheet per child for them to practice with during small groups to get warmed up. I also have a "Snow Princess" (Frozen!) version!
Fluency posters that I hang up behind my small group table to help each my students how to be fluent readers. We focus on part of fluency each week!
I just finished this FREE bulletin board set and added it to my store! They are iPad templates that I added a picture of each child reading a book on, plus they wrote "I like reading because..." on the bottom of each iPad. Pretty quick and easy bulletin board for the beginning of the year!
Last, but certainly not least, I also use WONDERS in my classroom and I have created resource sets to go with all of the 2nd and 3rd grade units. They are broken down by the week, but you can purchase a full unit at a time too. If you have looked in my store before, you will see that I have Unit 1, Week 1 available for both 2nd and 3rd grade for FREE! This is a huge value because even though it's a sample, it's a FULL sample of one week and you will quickly see how much is included in these full sets! Check it out if you use the Wonders reading series! You won't be sorry! I'm going to link the pictures below to the FREEBIES, but please note that you can click on "Wonders" over on the left hand side in my store and see ALL of my Wonders resources! They are very popular and as you can see by the reviews, they are used by many and LOVED by many. I love using them in my own classroom and after print and laminating them, this will be my third year using them in my room. They are still in good shape!
I hope this blog post wasn't taken as me bombarding you with products to purchase from my store. I really just wanted to take some time to explain some of my favorites that I think are essential for back to school time. My 2nd grade classroom pretty much RUNS on many of the products mentioned here I authentically USE all of them in my room (even parts of the 3rd grade Wonders sets, I have printed and laminated them for extra stations and for my more advanced readers!) Again, not just trying to bombard you with BUY THIS BUY THIS BUY THIS. I have included many freebies that I hope you will find helpful as well. Good luck in your new school year and please continue to follow me here on my blog, Facebook, and my TPT store. I'm always creating things and throwing freebies up that I have created for my own room!