
Feb 7, 2015

Student Created Anchor Charts: Compare and Contrast

Again this week, we worked on "Student Created Anchor Charts" during our "intervention time". This is when about 8 of the kids are out of the room getting reading and math intervention and I'm looking to challenge the kids that are left with projects and extra review of skills. This week I used my Reading Wonders leveled readers for the week and the skill for the week: Compare and Contrast.

Last week, we did a similar activity to practice Main Idea and Details.

First, students read the book with others in their reading group. The books are leveled, so this was a nice way to differentiate it very quickly.

Each group or set of partners then worked on creating a rough draft compare/contrast anchor chart on regular paper by using my anchor chart from a lesson earlier in the week as an example and reminder of how to compare and contrast.


We finished the reading and rough drafts on the first day of the project. Day two (which ended up being a few days later due to snow days!) was actually using those rough drafts to create the full size anchor chart with markers. The kids love this!




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